About Us

About Our Club

The Northwest Mineral Prospector’s Club (NWMPC) was Established in May 1981 in Vancouver, Washington USA, and Incorporated in the State of Washington as a Non-Profit 501(c)(4) on April 29, 1992, to provide education for people interested in small-scale Gold Mining & Mineral location.

We typically hold our club meetings on the second Tuesday of every month starting at 7 pm. Guests are always welcome to drop in and see what our club is all about and to ask any questions you may have about small-scale Gold Mining & Minerals in Oregon & Washington.

Several times each year our club has group outings at our club’s Gold claims which are fun for the whole family. This is a great opportunity for novice Gold miners to ask questions and learn panning skills from Gold miners of all experience levels.

One of the many ways our club promotes small-scale gold mining is to have a Gold Panning Booth at several of the major outdoor shows in the Pacific Northwest. We demonstrate to kids of “All Ages” the best way to pan for Gold and you get to keep All the Gold you find in your pan.

The Northwest Mineral Prospector’s Club (NWMPC) has various types of mining equipment and books about Gold Mining, Prospecting & Minerals in our club’s library that club members in good standing can check out and use.

Membership know-how ranges from the beginner/novice to the dedicated experienced miner. The club sponsors mining equipment and gold raffles at each monthly meeting and there is always plenty of coffee, tea, and cookies for all. A separate drawing is held each meeting with active member numbers. Drawing is for $10.00 in “Pappy Bucks” which may be used toward membership renewal, club store purchases, or monthly raffle tickets.

Films/videos on prospecting and related subjects are featured at our meetings, political postures and government regulations are discussed as they pertain to our concerns, and the year-end potluck is always well attended.

A monthly newsletter is mailed to all members. It summarizes the last month’s meeting, current business, prospecting tips, equipment for sale, political action information, and etc. If a member has something to say to the rest of the members, well here’s the place.

Guests are always welcome, and if they leave us their address, we are always happy to send them a complimentary newsletter for the following 3 months.

The club has a few fundraisers (see events), and assists in a number of charity events during the year. A one-time fee of $10.00, (participation is optional) entitles a member to check out books and videotapes from our mining library for 30 days.

We hope you will enjoy learning more about the club and will consider supporting our organization thus helping to preserve our hobby, small-scale mining, for many years to come.

Monthly Club Meetings

Our monthly club meetings are held at the Bridge City Community Church located at 2816 SE Harrison Street. Milwaukie, Oregon 97222. There is plenty of free parking across the street from the front entry to the church. Enter the front doors and turn to your right and go down the stairs, we meet in the basement.

NWMPC Club Mining Claims – Oregon & Washington

The NorthWest Mineral Prospector’s Club (NWMPC) has club gold claims at the following locations for our Club Members in good standing to use and Keep all the Gold they find.

Copper Creek near Mt. St. Helen’s in Washington
Molalla River just east of Molalla, Oregon
Quartzville Creek near Sweethome, Oregon
McQuade Creek near Sweethome, Oregon
Brice Creek east of Cottage Grove, Oregon
South Fork Coquille River near Powers, Oregon

Revision Date: 01-19-2025